statement of faith
alan ter morshuizen
life architect
I deeply respect your need to know clearly that I am not a "confused whacko"
So, here is a snapshot of my current worldview at this stage of the journey that I am on with God. It will become apparent through this document why I refer to this statement as my “current” position.
my current world view/statement of faith
As I have journeyed with the Lord over the years since 12th April 1974, I have learnt increasingly to stand back from the micro view and to get the bigger perspective of God’s ways with mankind. Yet this has been an iterative process of zooming in to the details of a particular scripture or concept, then zooming back out to see it in the huge context of His eternal purpose.
John 17: So much of God’s purposes with mankind was magnificently distilled down from the whole counsel of scripture to a few clear principles in Jesus’ profound “high priestly prayer”.
- Before even space/time existed, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit lived in perfect relationship (“divine perichoresis” – the divine dance) on the basis of primarily two things … love and ”doxa” – being translated as “glory”, or, a very high level of honour.
- In that context God said, “Let us make mankind in our image”. That “image” was primarily the ability and purpose to have a relationship with Him, and out of that with one another, also on the basis of love and honour.
with that as context for God's intended relationship with us...
- After an undisclosed period of walking in that perfect relationship with God on earth, Adam & Eve abandoned that relationship, as well as their innocence, for the knowledge of good and evil.
- This was at best utterly futile and self-defeating, as God’s ways are incomprehensibly higher than mans’ ways are, as stated in Isaiah 55:8,9 ( billions of light years higher!).
- Even the greatest, wisest theologians get mere fleeting glimpses of God, at best. And, this will be so for as long as we are mortal – i.e. until we see Him face to face and know as we are known by Him (what an inspiring hope?!). 1 Corinthians 13:12:
- “Because, this is how God loved the world (‘kosmos’ – the physical earth and its inhabitants) - He gave His one and only Son, so that whosoever puts their trust/faith in Him will not die, but will have eternal life. Because, God did absolutely not send His Son into the world to condemn the world (kosmos), but so that the world(kosmos) may be saved through Him.” John 3:16, 17
- “… because Christ’s love compels/preoccupies us … so that those who live should no longer/from now on not live to/for themselves, but to/for Him who died for them and rose/woke up from death; so that we, from now on, see/perceive nobody according to their body/physical form … And, all things are from/out of God who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has then given to us this ministry of reconciliation, just as God was through Christ reconciling the world (kosmos) to Himself, not holding/reckoning their lapses/deviations/errors against them, and has entrusted to us the word of reconciliation. Certainly/accordingly, we are ambassadors on behalf of Christ, exactly as if God were calling you nearer through us – we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God!” 2 Cor.5:14-20
- Out of relationship with God through Christ, and compelled by His love, we are His mandated custodians of this earth and His agents of reconciliation of all to Him.