public speaking

family conferences

“Love” sculpture by alexandr milov

Optimal Family Life

"We are primarily social beings, right down to our DNA. Functioning optimally in isolation from others is therefore extremely undesirable, if not impossible."

If ever there was a time when families needed help, it is now …
I am particularly passionate about helping families to discover the transformative power of healthy relationships.
Then, to empower them to grow together into a Team that help one another to step increasingly into their full potential.
A family conference in the context of a basically healthy, functioning church is the ideal opportunity for families to kickstart this journey together.
We initially provide the ongoing support that would be needed to continue this journey, while steadily empowering the local church to step into that role.
It is all about empowering the local church and extending its impact and effectiveness within the local community.

If you are keen to set up a Family Conference, then please contact us to discuss this further and to work out a viable approach and timing, together.

the potential power of transformed relationships

a child's view of 1 Cor.13 ...

“If I speak truth to my child, but, they do not know confidently that I love them, then to my child I am only making meaningless noise, like a loud gong, or a clanging symbol.”